Hi it’s me

Hello! It's been 4 weeks since I've posted, all of which were totally brutal. By the 8th round of chemo, ut really caught up with me so been I've been dealing with a lot: nausea, migraines, and all the other nasty side effects of chemo. I kid you not, I couldn't even look at my blog without being reminded of all the hospital smells, needles, IV drips etc. so I tucked my computer away, moved our mattress out to the TV room, watched 4 seasons of True Blood and got very very stoned for many many days. It was the only way I could feel better -I was holding on for dear life, paralyzed by sickness caused by all sorts of chemicals running through my body, mixed with being hella lonely and feeling kinda sorry for myself about not having any hair left. These last 3 weeks sucked. 
That being said, I want to thank all my people. Thank you for checking up on me when you saw I wasn't regularly updating my blog. And thank you for the care packages, food, flowers, and WEED, among other things. I had a friend almost bang the door down the other day when I didn’t answer because I didn’t want anyone to see me like that, all balled up in the fetal position, bald and sick, so I pretended that I wasn’t home. She knew that I was in there because where else would I be? Also, Tom called her from work, telling her that he was concerned for my life. In the end, I was so thankful that she forced herself in because I wasn’t consciously aware but deep down in my soul, I needed someone there by my side. I needed someone to just sit with me and watch over me. I would be in way worse shape if it wasn't for all you guys, and I would have way less ice cream in my fridge which would be no good.
